Monday, November 23, 2009

for what its worth

“For what it’s worth”; writings for my year 2 fine arts degree

What is freedom? What is it worth? What about the sensation one feels when trapped, what is it? Does it differ from being physically trapped? Or is freedom purely a sensation, could one be physically free like one can be trapped. Is it a feeling? Is it a verb rather than an adverb? And how does one know when they are actually free? Free of government and social politics, of society, and of the constraints of existence. Is it simply all in the mind, part of one’s psychology. Can one feel free when in imprisonment? And how does one achieve this sublime state of mind? Or is it, in the cruel nature of existence, that one can never attain absolute freedom in reality. That, through ones perception of reality they free themselves. Or conversely, is it said perception of reality that traps us.

Politically, is complete anarchy the ultimate answer to freedom? No power, no ‘man’ no entrapment? If so, is this kind of freedom really worth having? Is no structure really worth having (or not having)? And even if there is no structure would we actually be free? Or would our minds trap us. Is it part of the human condition to always be trapped in some sense or another? Could the influence of others be part of our lack of freedom in society? Is it the knowledge we gain through others be the seed of our limitation in existence. Is it ones greed for more, the arms race for possessions, have too great a control on our perception of freedom in society. Could knowledge be part of our entrapment? Or is it ones desire to know more, know EVERYTHING what traps us. IF we were free of influence and utterly ignorant to our surroundings would we be free? Would we be sane? Could insanity be the key to liberation? To be absolutely free does one have to sacrifice their perception of reality?
I believe, (in a generalized, middle class western civilization) we are as free as our minds will allow us to be, yet through these thoughts we trap ourselves.

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